
Welcome to ARTISANS' BANK SmartPay Loans!


SmartPay is an electronic payment solution that collects Artisans’ Bank Loan Payments through a secure payments site.  SmartPay provides a secure and reliable environment that allows for loan payments to be made from checking and savings accounts only.


Please sign in to make a Loan Payment, view Loan Payment history or manage Loan Payment accounts.


Loan Payments submitted prior to the Bank’s cut-off time (currently 8:00 PM EST) will be processed on the business day (generally Monday through Friday, except holidays and Bank closings) that you designate as the payment’s processing date.  Payments submitted after the cut-off time on the designated processing date will be processed on the next business day.

To protect your account from unauthorized access, your session will close after 30-minutes of inactivity. If your session ends, log on again.