MAC Foundation's Donation Site
In 1983, a group of civic-minded citizens recognized the value Mineral Area College brings to our community: educationally, culturally and economically. The vision of these individuals created Mineral Area College Foundation, Inc. as a fund-raising appendage for Mineral Area College. For three decades, the Foundation, a 501(C)3 not-for-profit corporation, has worked as a vehicle to enhance the college’s mission. The Foundation’s mission is to advance, encourage, assist, promote and support the growth and development of Mineral Area College, its student body, faculty and administration. The activities and objectives of the Foundation include both ongoing and special projects and shall also include development and improvement of the college’s physical facilities. Much of the Foundation’s work has been quietly accomplished. The Foundation exemplifies a symbiotic relationship among alumni, business and friends of the college to enrich college programs as well as the quality of life in our local communities.
We appreciate any gift you can give to the Foundation for the continued growth and development of Mineral Area College. We encourage you to create an account with the Foundation, to setup recurring annual or monthly contributions, and to contact us to learn more about what we can do together to help MAC.